Rabu, 28 Desember 2011

Heart-warming Christmas Dinner

Friends are more precious than diamonds!

I just had dinner with my "ice creamers" besties at Ocha & Bella restaurant. The place was nice, the food is okay, and the crowd was super nice (wish Hippo were there). It's very heart warming :')

Rona initiate the "Christmas wishes games". Each of us get few pieces of paper and got to write Christmas wishes for others. Very bright idea! So, we went home with envelope that contained Christmas wishes. Oh, and we have a new comer, Ranggi's gf. Happy to have her as a guest.. :))

We sang Christmas song and remembered some things that happened through out 2011. How we get through it together..

To brighten up the night, the girls got free cocktail. Yeay!

I'm not in my best health condition (heavy flu!). Yet, I enjoyed the night so much.. Really, it's something to be thankful for.. *big smile*

Minggu, 18 Desember 2011

Wedding Parties!

The venue is beautiful! We took pictures, a lot :p

With Imma at Imel's sister's wedding. Wearing custom made tube dress, XSML bolero, Charles  & Keith heels, Mom's .

With Rona at Allen's Wedding

Nadya's Wedding. The bride's maid dress is my own design ;)

With college friends at Sary's. It's the second wedding of the day :p

Kochai's with KLD :)

At Rendi's Wedding with XP. :)
Nike's wedding with Rona and Church mates.

At Glory's Wedding. With TarQ girls. Almost all are manadonese ;)

Photo session at Rendi's.

Ori's with XP.

David's wedding with Imel, Imma, and Stanley.
Emon's Wedding with Lia & Faya :)

2011 is almost ended. 

Like last year, I attend many weddings. Let see.. There are:
- Sandy & Desi's wedding on February,
- Nadya & Mochi's wedding on March,
- Binky & Chandi's wedding on April,
- Kochai & Galih's wedding on May,
- Sari & Ko Hardy's on the same day with Kochai,
- Orissa & Wawan's wedding on June,
- Allen & Dandy's wedding on July,
- David & Icha's Wedding on July,
- Echa & Miko's Wedding on August,
- Gloria & Joshua's wedding on September,
- Raymond & Lala 's wedding on October,
- Rendi &  Nuni's on November,
- Nike & Barry's on December,
- Imel's sister on December.
Whoa! 14 weddings! And about 10 dresses *If I'm not mistaken* 
Let's see if I can compile the pictures :P
Aah, this is why I frequently feel like not having enough dress, yet my closet is full. At least one wedding a month. That's why!

Sabtu, 17 Desember 2011

20 Langkah Urus Paspor di Kantor Imigrasi Jakarta Selatan

Tanggal 14 November 2011 yang lalu, saya memulai petualangan bolak balik kantor imigrasi Jaksel di Warung Buncit. Deg-degan rasanya menjalani proses ini sendiri. Berita-berita tentang sulitnya birokrasi buat saya jadi banyak tanya teman dan super waspada *takut salah/ketipu*.

Ternyata setelah dijalani, proses buat paspor tidak sesulit yang saya pikirkan. Berikut saya ingin berbagi 20 langkah yang saya jalani dalam membuat paspor. Semoga membantu!

Langkah-langkah buat paspor di Kantor Imigrasi Jaksel-Warung Buncit:

1. Siapkan dokumen: KTP, Akte Lahir, KK, ijazah terakhir, surat keterangan dari kantor, paspor lama. Semua difotokopi ukuran A4, jangan dipotong.

2. Scan dokumen-dokumen tadi dalam format .jpg max 1.8 MB.

3. Masuk ke web imigrasi indonesia (lupa alamatnya, googling aja :)) dari situ cari "pra-permohonan online".

4. Isi form permohonan online (ada petunjuknya, bisa didownload, jelas bgt kok). Setelah isi data (sama kaya form manual di imigrasi) kita diminta upload hasil scan dr fotokopi dokumen tadi.

5. Kalau sudah selesai, nanti kamu boleh pilih mau mengurus ke imigrasi hari apa. (Saran: urus online hari Jumat/Sabtu, lalu pilih hari Senin)
*Penting: pastikan kamu bisa datang hari itu antara jam 8-11 (Prakteknya: kalau bisa dtg jam 7)*
Kamu akan dapat surat pemanggilan yang harus kamu print dan bawa ke kantor imigrasinya. Kalau tanggal beda dengan di surat, akan diminta pulang, ulang permohonan online, atau isi formulir secara manual.

6. Datang ke kantor imigrasi terkait. Saran: lebih baik tiba jam 7, biasanya sudah ramai. Kalau di imigrasi Jaksel, kamu langsung ke lantai 2, cari koperasi (letaknya di pojok, sebrangnya loket no. 1) biasanya sudah standby si penjual map. Kamu bilang aja mau beli map, harganya 5rb, nanti ada form, gak usah kamu isi. Isi mapnya aja.

7. Kalo sudah, segera letakkan map kamu di loket 9 *atau di loket yang sudah ada mapnya, atau tanya sama tukang fotokopi*

8. Sekitar jam 7.30 kamu bakal dipanggil, dapat nomor antrean.

9. Sekitar jam 8, loket buka, nomor antrean mulai dipanggil. Kalau kamu sudah proses online, siapin surat pemanggilaan kamu, antrenya di loket 1-4. Untuk manual, di loket 5-9. Biasanya antrean online lebih pendek.

10. Tunggu dipanggil, kalau sudah dipanggil, kasih map kamu ke loket, lalu minta tanda terima penyerahan berkas. *Penting: jangan lupa bawa semua berkas asli, ini wajib.*
Biasanya di loket kamu bakal dibilangin, harus datang lagi kapan.

Selesai deh hari pertama urusan di imigrasi. Langkah no. 11, dst untuk hari berikutnya.

11. Datang lg ke imigrasi *sebaiknya tiba jam 7 atau 7.30. Langsung ke kasir, di situ ada tumpukan kertas, kamu tusukin kertas tanda terima berkas kamu ke situ.

12. Tunggu dipanggil. Jam 8, mulai dipanggil, siapin 259rb untuk bayar.

13. Kl uda bayar, kamu dpt tanda terima, seperti di gambar. Trus menuju ke loket foto. Letaknya di belakang tangga.

14. Di loket foto, tunjukkan tanda pembayaran kamu (seperti langkah 11, kertas itu ditusukkan di tumpukan kertas), tunggu dipanggil deh.

15. Nanti kamu akan dipanggil nama dulu, diberi nomor antrean, lalu menunggu nomor antrean dipanggil. Kalau sudah dipanggil, masuk ruangan, antre buat foto.

16. Dalam ruangan, kamu bakal dipanggil untuk foto, dan pindah ke meja lain buat wawancara. Wawancara isinya hanya mencocokkan data saja. Biar aman, bawa berkas asli :)
*Tips: mesti agak agresif. Kalau nomor sebelum kita dipanggil dan belum ada orangnya, ajukan diri saja, "Saya nomor segini Pak", kadang2 dikasi duluan kok* :)

17. Pas wawancara, dikasi tanda terima pembayaran kita yang tadi buat "antre" lalu dikasi tahu kapan harus balik lagi buat ambil paspor. Kalo dia lupa kasi tahu, tanya aja. Biasanya seminggu setelah foto dan wawancara paspor bisa dialmbil. :)

Prosedur hari-2 selesai sudah. Langkah 18, dst untuk hari berikutnya.

18. Datang ke imigrasi jam 7.00 atau 7.30 di hari yang sudah diinformasikan petugas, jangan lupa bawa tanda pembayaran, langsung ke loket sebelah kasir (loket 12-13). Terus tusukin si tanda pembayaran di situ.

19. Tunggu nama kamu dipanggil, isi buku kaya buku tamu: nama, no paspor (akan dibacain sm petugas) dan tanda tangan. Abis itu dikasi deh pasport baru kita. :)

20. Masih harus fotokopi lembar depan-belakang paspor, di tempat beli map, abis itu balikin lagi ke bapak di loket. Selesai sudah. Jadi Paspor baru :)

Bagi teman-teman yang punya waktu luang, saya sarankan urus sendiri. Lebih hemat biaya daripada pakai jasa Travel/Calo.

Gambaran waktu yang diperlukan, berdasarkan pengalaman saya:
- hari 1: 7.30 - 9.30
- hari 2: 7.30 - 9
- hari 3: 7.30 - 9.30

Tips lain, siap-siap air minum dan sedikit snack supaya tidak kelaparan saat menunggu. Oh ya, kantor imigrasi yang baru ini, ACnya dingin sekali. Kalau tidak tahan dingin, pakailah jaket. :)

Selamat mencoba! Semoga membantu :)


Pingkan Rumondor
Pingkan C. B. Rumondor

Jumat, 16 Desember 2011

Scattered Brain // Scattered Clothes


I just check on my clothes and realize something. I don't have special formula when it comes to shopping! I tend to buy something just because I like it. I didn't think about how to wear it or how to pair it with other clothes I already have. So, every weekend like this, I could spent plenty of time to think "Oh what to wear?" and to try on clothes.

Okay, the scattered clothes condition reflects my scattered brain. I tend to be easily distracted. Most of the time, I'm eager and excited in starting new things. Before it's finished, I'm already attracted to other things. *haha*

I guess this is why I have ENFP personality type. (Gonna explain more about this in my other blog: pingkanrumondor.blogspot.com )

Anyway, the point of writing this blogpost is to remind me that I have to think before I shop! I need to build some statement style or whatever you called it. I need to have some aim in shopping. I mean, there should be correlation between one clothes and others. One shoes, pants and shirts.

To be able to accomplished that, I guess I need 2 neutral and super comfortable shoes in black and brown. Black platform like the picture is nice. It could be paired with jeans and with dress.

I also have to define my "style". What's my style? A friend said I'm vintage-girly. It's true that I love pink and I adore peter pan collar. Looove that looks with pink peter pan collar :)

However, as I grow up, I need a more mature style. More like timeless-vintage. I don't know. :P I love colors and wanna move on from pink. What color should I prioritize?

Ah, too many questions. I guess I'm just gonna go with the process of finding out my specific "It's so me" style :P

Meanwhile, I need basics. Started from finding the right black & brown comfy fit for all heels! :)

Minggu, 11 Desember 2011

Tanjung Pinang-Batam-Singapore

The Seminar

First Singapore stop: Universal Studio *only at the gate* :p with Fiza..

Aaaah! Christmas Tree!

Angel at Orchard

The beautiful Orchard Road

Another Christmas Tree!

Bump into another besties, Olive..

I'm extremely excited when one of my besties offer me a Seminar project. It's about strengthening marriage, my fave topic! The speaker is my fave psychologist and I'm lucky enough to assist her! It held on Tanjung Pinang, a city on beautiful island of Bintan. She suggest me to go to Singapore after the work is done. She said, Orchard road is beautiful in December. A lot of Christmas ornament. She can't be more precise! I'm loving the job and the trip. *Special thanks to Fiza**

Working Wardrobe

After work

The outwear is Mom's ;)

One of my working wardrobe. 
With my job as a lecturer / psychologist, I could dress up in semi-formal way. 
Like the pictures above. 
It was Sunday, after an assessment at the Lentera Clinic.  
Yeah, sometimes I work on Saturday & Sunday. I enjoy it though.

Sabtu, 29 Oktober 2011

Gotta Move on from Pink!

I've been always love the color pink. Now, it seems age-inappropriate for me. Like this pink-black anya two tone UP wedges which I love. It's hated by close friends, mom and boyfriend. *he hates it so bad he asked me not to wear it when I'm with him* :p

On second thought. I might made a mistake. Especially when wearing that shoes with this khaki jeggings. Haha. Fashion crime. And I didn't realize until the day is ended. Oh well, I guess it's a lesson. Not going to repeat it. :p

What do you think of these?

**the worse angle**

**can't believe I said this, but the pink ruined it :p**

**front angle, not bad eh? the pink is hidden. I'm wearing: black Zara tank top, Monday to Sunday cardigan, khaki jeggings, White Cottonink shawl, brown Lee Cooper belt, Beige bag, and black-pink anya two tone UP shoes**

**side angle: weird pose, the pink is not working :p**

One Fine Date with Myself ;)

Odd combination: Washed out old jeans, Batik Keris shirt, XSML maroon cardigan,  Nevada slipper, gym bag!

That day, I'm having a date with myself. ;) Started with Pilates and Bosu Yoga Class, quick KFC lunch and watching Smurf, movie that induced happy childhood memories.

That day I wore an odd combination of clothes. I'm running out of clothes, because I recently moved to a rented room near my work place and I don't bring enough clothes. :p Aside from the odd clothing, I still have a good time :)

I think either single or in relationship, one need some "me time", quality time spent with oneself. Why? By being alone, we're challenged to deal with positive and negative emotions. Once we're good on doing that, we tend to feel comfortable being ourselves. When we're being ourselves, we'll make a good partner. Because we can handle our own emotion, not depending on the partner. *IMHO*

What do you think? Do you spare some "me time" ?

Sabtu, 15 Oktober 2011

New Friends, New Colors..

Been a while! I have so much stories to tell! Let me start with this "project" I'm so excited about. :)
Well, can't tell detail. Better wait 'till it's launched. This project require me and my partner, Nadya to read and write a lot about relationship. A topic, we both passionate about. I'm so excited!

Through this project, I met new people. Interesting personalities, nice friends. Not only a fun and competent partner to work with, but also also a good friend. :) Here are some picture of them, at Vin + Arcadia, Alexis birthday dinner.

**Me, Alexis -the Birthday girl-, Nadya and Mochi**

 **The new circle of friends**

Beside new project and new friends, recently I've added new things in my life. New colors. In my closet to be exact. When I go through my clothes, I see a lot of black, grey and white. Very few bright colors available. Therefore, I tried to spice it up a bit with these  cottonink collection. Here are some pictures of me trying them out. As I type this, I can't help my self to browse, and maybe buy another cottonink goods :D

 **As the package arrived, I tried them on. Matched 'em with my fave peach shoes and bag. Love the cardigan so much!**

**French Rose Boxy Tee Dress with skinny belt, navy blue jegging and black shawl**
**Super comfortable combo :p**

As much as I'm excited about new friends and stuffs, I keep my 'old' friends close to my heart. ;) Like my dear 'ice creamers' below.

**Precious are the time spent with them**

Ah well, past my bed time.. Talk to you later! :*

Jumat, 26 Agustus 2011

Silly-Lovely Night with Wave of 10 Gals

Been a while since our last hang out.. So happy to meet them.  2.5 hours I spent on the way to FX are worth it. :) The random karaoke playlist was so much fun! From old Indonesian songs, house music, to the newest R 'n B songs. I guess I burnt some calories there! :p Not to mention the inspiring chit-chat bout vacations. *we should took a road trip sometimes, gals!* Love the pictures taken from Ismi's iPhone..

The happy gal.

 Silly eh? Love it! (Dita gave us bangles from Bali.. I picked the pink one. Sweet isn't?)
 Affectionate ;)
 She gave me the beautiful necklace that chimes as I walk ;)
 Anda, Riri, Me, Ismi, Indah, Icha
 Minus Riri, plus Dita..
I wore XSML top, Contempo jeans, Jones NY wedges, Unbranded bag, Chiming necklace from Indah

Selasa, 17 Mei 2011

LD 170511: Meet My Family


17th day of May 20110 is my Father's 53rd birthday. We celebrate it with gathering and having a family lunch at Paulaner. The food are great! I'm loving the Paulaner platter and Apple Struddle for dessert. Unfortunately the famous Paulaner beer was not available because the machine was broken. So we substitute it with *overpriced* Bir Bintang.

Anyhow, I had a great time! Not only I enjoyed the food, I also enjoyed the family talk. I was trying to keep my BB away that time. Hehehe. I don't want our family be like "modern family" who dine together but each of them are busy with their own gadget and not talking to another. I actually saw that kind of family, sad isn't?

For the special occasion I wore Gaudi T-shirt, Logo Jeans, Executive belt, Charles & Keith Dusty Pink Heels, Scarf (gift from a good friend) and Charles & Keith bag (gift from loved one, loving it!! ♥ ♥ ♥ ).

Those are the picture of me in front of "Langgeng Gallery". I like the name. :) The other picture is my family :) I'm the oldest and also the shortest of them all. Love them. ♥


Selasa, 05 April 2011

LD 220311: My 26th Birthday!

Dear online diary,

Been a while since my last "looks diary" post. I've prepare lots of pictures but have no time uploading it ;)

Well, this entry is about my 26th bday. I was so surprised that at 12.00 midnight, my boyfie (who lives far far away from my house) suddenly appeared in front of my fence. He brought pink flower bouquette and a present for me. He wasn't alone, my beloved ice creamers were with him. You can see from my eyes that I was very very happy at that moment. Thanks to Ranggi's sensitivity to catch moments with his sophisticated camera, I have beautiful pictures that captured those moments. I was wearing my 'pajamas' but I don't care! I was so happy, I didn't remember to change nor brush my hair ;).

They stayed until 1.30 am. Those 1.30 hours were so meaningful because I know that they have to get up and work in the morning. Even my boyfie has to do some test at work!

I also have to get up early. On my 26th bday, I did my first project as a workshop speaker for a class of 30 tweens from an international high school at Jakarta. Actually it's me and Nadya's first project as "Nadya & Pingkan Psychological Services". :) I believe, this is a good sign for me and Nadya. I pray for more projects and I hope I could glorify HIS name through my work.

After that I continue my work at 'The Campus'. I have a sit in schedule and it was fun. :) My day continued with an xsml shopping sphere with Stanley and Sushi Night with him and Rona. I was having a beautiful birthday! I owe HIM a big gratitude. ♥

*I'm wearing: black xsml kimono blouse, atmosphere pants, jones NY wedges. Rona: zara heels and some dress (I forgot to ask her ;) )*
