Selasa, 17 April 2012

Around April

April 2012 is a month of Grief, Easter, and Oma Dee's Birthday. Most of all it's a "Family Time" for me. I spend lots of time with Aunts, Cousins and Grandmas, since we've just lost two dear Uncle.

Sad, missing them. Though I know it's for the best :) There's rainbow in every storm. The bright side is I get to see my 'long lost' cousin :p he's been studying in Chicago for 2 years, haven't seen him since then. He got the rainbow also, get a chance to visit HK and Japan in his way home ;)

He gave me this cool sunnies. I love! So there, I wear it after Easter ceremony at Church. Below, there's an Easter present from my dear Aunt. So cute of her..

April is also my Oma Dee's birthday. Here some pictures of her 77th birthday lunch. So fun! Gathering with the elder of Menajang/Menayang.. ♡

*I wear:
- white blouse
- black executive skirt
- red belt (given by Oma Ani)
- Charles & Keith white kitten heels
- H & M sunnies

Pingkan C. B. Rumondor

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